I had time today to finish up the rest of the prompts for the 30 Day Journal Challenge. I'm so glad I finished this challenge, even if I didn't do it one day at a time like it was meant to be done. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with the Journaling for a Cause prompts.
I'm going to break this up into two separate posts so there aren't a ton of pictures all in one post.

Day 24. This is actually prompt 25, but I mixed up this one and the one before it. The prompt was to pick a word or phrase that described your day and fill the page with it, using different fonts. This was the first word I thought of. I wish it was more positive.

Day 25. And this was actually prompt 24. What's your favorite place in the world? Again, went with the cliche here, but I couldn't think of a most favorite physical place. Guess I haven't found it yet.

Day 26. This day we were to write out our favorite recipe. This is definitely a favorite food, baked potato with cheese and ranch dressing. Yum. I could eat these every day and not get tired of them... and I would probably be shaped like a potato.

Day 27. If you could change one thing (about the world, yourself, your situation, your city, your country, etc...), what would it be? Self explanatory.
I'll finish up in the next post.

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