Attempting to get caught up.

Day 11. The prompt this day was to list your favorites in each of the four categories: TV shows, music, food, and splurges.

Day 12. The prompt for Day 12 was to illustrate a few trends that you gravitate toward. I had a hard time thinking of many, but I love the whole faux woodgrain look, owls and birds, and the HUGE banner trend.

Day 13. This prompt was all about your insecurities. This is one I definitely didn't have trouble filling in, unfortunately. Somewhere on the page, we were supposed to include the word "but," to lead into the next day's prompt, which was...

Day 14. List some of the reasons you are such an amazing person.
I still have quite a few pages to go before I'm caught up, but I'm pretty happy with these. I'm still loving this challenge so much, and I hope that it gets me into the habit of doodling/journaling more often. Most days, I've been somewhat surprised at what comes out, both words-wise and illustration-wise.

Going to try this again, google said I didn't sign in correctly, oh well! I love your pages! I am so very far behind! I've got a sick puppy and mounds of laundry! I do get a minute every now and then to peek at flickr. I love that your pages look like scrapbooking tags. Did you make them? How will they be bound together, a scrapbook binding, ribbons??? Have a great 4th!!